Miko Marks

Artist Information
After living what seems to be multiple lives over, Miko Marks has finally come into the life shewas born to live. With a unique sound that deftly blends Americana, blues, southern rock andeven gospel, her powerful voice and warm, soulful spirit literallybrings every audience to itsfeet. Though, her life as a Black woman in country and roots music is only a small part of the story
Miko was born in Flint, Michigan to a politically active single mother who raised her to fight forequal rights for all. As her mother spent nights working third shift at the automotive factory,Miko’s grandmother played a pivotal role in her upbringing. For Miko, the women in her life wereof utmost importance; their hopes and dreams for her cautiously optimistic while pragmatic dueto the barriers they faced in their own lifetimes.
Even with a show-stopping voice, it seemed singing was mostly just a hobby-not a career topursue. She attended Grambling State University, studying Political Science with her sights seton lawschool. Those plans were paused after marriage and young motherhood. With someencouragement from her husband, she began to sing again and released two country albums-2005’sFreeway BoundandIt Feels Goodin 2007. Though she received great critical praise andwas a regular participant at CMAFest in Nashville, growth was stymied by industry gatekeepers.
After over a decade-long hiatus and no grand vision of success, Miko recorded a few songs withbandmates Justin Phipps and Steve Wyreman. That collection of songs becameOur Country,which Phipps released on his small non-profit label, Redtone Records. Soon after, she releaseda covers EP calledRace Recordswhich shined a light on the arbitrary divisions forced uponartists and audiences in the early days of music marketing in the 1940s.
Her latest LP, 2022’sFeel Like Going Home, is an amalgamation of where Miko has been andwhere she is going, what she has learned and what she wants to teach-the stories she wantedto tell but hadn’t been able to speak into existence before. Its message of healing andrestoration is profound. Miko spent most of 2023 on the road, performing with Little Feat,Tedeschi Trucks Band, Rissi Palmer, and appearing on festival stages all over the world. In2024, Miko will release a deluxe version ofFeel Like Going Home, featuring several re-recordedsongs with special guests. At the end of February, she will embark on the 27-date TrailblazingWomen Of Country Tour, and will perform at Stagecoach Festival in April.
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