2022 National Veterans Day Concert
Date & TimeThursday, November 107:00 PM
Time7:00 PM

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Medical Musical Group (MMG) comes to the Grand Ole Opry House with a sense of awe and deep respect. The Opry House is a crown jewel amongst the prestigious concert halls at which MMG performed at home, as well as all over the world. Therefore, although this Veterans Day concert is a smorgasbord of multiple delicious flavors and genres -- its lion’s share is country music. It features the Grammy Award winning Rhonda Vincent alongside new country duo War Hippies who are former combat vets now turned musicians. Much sought-after TV personalities Natalie Stovall and Storme Warren host. Also featured are MMG’s chorale and orchestra in their popular story-telling format of narrations and music. This all climaxes in the glorious and powerfully stirring 6-minute finale of Gustav Mahler’s 2nd (Resurrection) Symphony. Concert theme is “AN AMERICAN RESURRECTION: Yes, I’ll Rise Again!”. It benefits children of military families who receive cancer treatments at Vanderbilt, St. Jude’s, Shriners and other hospitals. It also salutes veterans, and raises awareness about veterans health, particularly depression, suicide and opioid addiction. Medical Musical Group (MMG) is a symphony chorale and orchestra whose core are musically gifted doctors, nurses and other health professionals. They perform “Music with a Message” – of national healing, and international friendship. Veterans occupy the heart of MMG’s passionate concern. A brief but comprehensive introductory video by Jim Bittermann, CNN’s Senior European Correspondent is at https://youtu.be/70Zx6k3Nr-E. More is on http://medicalmusical.com/
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Medical Musical Group (MMG) comes to the Grand Ole Opry House with a sense of awe and deep respect. The Opry House is a crown jewel amongst the prestigious concert halls at which MMG performed at home, as well as all over the world. Therefore, although this Veterans Day concert is a smorgasbord of multiple delicious flavors and genres -- its lion’s share is country music. It features the Grammy Award winning Rhonda Vincent alongside new country duo War Hippies who are former combat vets now turned musicians. Much sought-after TV personalities Natalie Stovall and Storme Warren host. Also featured are MMG’s chorale and orchestra in their popular story-telling format of narrations and music. This all climaxes in the glorious and powerfully stirring 6-minute finale of Gustav Mahler’s 2nd (Resurrection) Symphony. Concert theme is “AN AMERICAN RESURRECTION: Yes, I’ll Rise Again!”. It benefits children of military families who receive cancer treatments at Vanderbilt, St. Jude’s, Shriners and other hospitals. It also salutes veterans, and raises awareness about veterans health, particularly depression, suicide and opioid addiction. Medical Musical Group (MMG) is a symphony chorale and orchestra whose core are musically gifted doctors, nurses and other health professionals. They perform “Music with a Message” – of national healing, and international friendship. Veterans occupy the heart of MMG’s passionate concern. A brief but comprehensive introductory video by Jim Bittermann, CNN’s Senior European Correspondent is at https://youtu.be/70Zx6k3Nr-E. More is on http://medicalmusical.com/
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